Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2025
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Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2022
Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021
Pupil premium review 2018-2019
Pupil premium Website Review Document 2017-18a
The Government give funding to schools for all children who are Looked After or who are entitled to free school meals. This amount works out at approximately £1, 320 per eligible pupil per year and £1, 900 per Looked after Child. Phoenix Academy had 37 pupils eligible for this funding in 2018/19.
At Phoenix Academy we spent this money providing additional staff to work with pupils who require a greater level of support to manage their difficulties and access the curriculum and by funding trips to enhance the creative curriculum, we also had a whole wall Mural painted by a local author/illustrator which enabled the pupils to become involved through their emotional literacy topics. The following interventions were also delivered:-
- Individual additional tuition for Literacy and Maths
- Small group teaching for Literacy and Maths to allow setting across the school.
- Booster groups to address target areas in Literacy and Maths.
- Pragmatics
- Mentoring
- Anger management and interventions to reduce anxiety in the classroom
- Bespoke learning programmes to address barriers to learning, including: Life education workshops
The aim of this work is to accelerate progress above national expectations in literacy and Maths. Progress was measured by progress steps against the new curriculum and are not comparable to previous data which used national curriculum levels.
Further information is available by clicking on the above Pupil Premium Review 2018/2019 link above.
86% of pupils made accelerated progress in reading
81% of pupils made accelerated progress in writing
76% of pupils made accelerated progress in maths
84% of pupils made accelerated progress in reading
60% of pupils made accelerated progress in writing
76% of pupils made accelerated progress in maths