Parent Hub

Phoenix Academy prides itself on building excellent relationships with our parents and carers and to re-enforce our commitment to you, we hold regular coffee mornings and invite all our parents and carers to come along and have a chat with likeminded parents/carers who have similar experiences, whilst enjoying a tea/coffee and cake (there is always cake!).

Our Family Intervention Workers (Kelly & Steph) are on hand to provide any additional support you may require and have a wealth of information regarding support groups and are able to signpost you for further advice/help as required.

We also hold numerous events throughout the academic year such as summer fayres, table top sales and cake sales – look out for the notices.

Please come along and join us at one of our many coffee mornings and we even have a parent breakfast that you are welcome to join us for.  We send dates/times out regularly and these are always uploaded onto Class Dojo.  If you have not yet accepted the invitation to join our Class Dojo, please do so because we would not want anyone to miss out.

If you would like any support/advice, please contact our family intervention workers on 01922 712834.

Below you can find lots of information and resources that can be accessed for further advice/support.

Vacancy for Parent Governor

We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor – if you are interested in the exciting opportunity, please see letter and nomination form below.

Please return all nominations to the school office by no later than Friday 15th November 2024.

Parent Governor – Parent Letter

Parent Governor – Nomination Form

Parent/Carer Online Safety Newsletter can be access by clicking below:

Online Safety Newsletter Primary July 2024

Our wonderful NHS offers Talking Therapies for anyone aged 17 years and over to support mental health.  If you, or someone you know is experiencing a mental health condition, please see below for support.

NHS Talking Therapies Poster (Walsall)

NHS Talking Therapies (Walsall) – Leaflet