Phoenix Academy SEND Documents
Click here to download our Trust SEND Policy
Phoenix Accessibility Plan 24-25
Click here to download our Trust SEND Policy
Phoenix Accessibility Plan 24-25
The staff at Phoenix Academy all hold the deep-seated belief that ‘every child matters’ and that everyone has the potential to achieve and succeed.
We believe that the ‘Phoenix’ signifies a new start and whilst many of our children have not had the easiest journeys in education when they join us, we think creatively about our approach to learning and how best to meet the needs of all. Phoenix is a place of new beginnings and puils are surrounded by positive rational experiences, allowing them to access education and learn life-long skills that they will need to success in their future.
We know our children well and are therefore able to put in place a personalised approach that ensures the right pathway and support for them.
Phoenix Academy supports children who have wide range of complex social, emotional and mental health needs. Many of our children have a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum and additional learning difficulties.
We want everyone to feel wanted and valued and we believe that all behaviour is a form of communication. A shared language helps pupils to express their feelings and pupils are encouraged to talk about their emotions.
All children at Phoenix Academy have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), and are working towards long term objectives set out in that document.
Through a very thorough understanding of this document and each child’s needs, staff are aware of the support that must be in place to enable each child to succeed. This underpins everything that we do at Phoenix, and is woven into day to day life here.
Whether it is practicing social skills over breakfast and lunch, developing emotional regulation through 3 x daily reflection or developing our physical and mental wellbeing through mindfulness, yoga and breathing exercises, not to mention PE and sports – children develop their skills and work towards their individualised targets.
Children also have access to a child centred intervention program. Working closely with the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant, the Intervention Team support all children in the class to make progress against their long-term objectives and targets.
This can be achieved through:
Our team work holistically around each child in order for them to make the best possible progress both academically and functionally.
As well as working through their intervention programme, staff also identify any emerging short-term needs that need to be addressed. This can arise from concerns raised by staff or parents/carers and may include work around medication, road safety etc. some of our pupils struggle to build relationships with adults and peers so additional interventions can be utilised to support with relationship building.
Phoenix Academy also offer a nuture provision which is accessed by pupils when they are struggling to manage in their classroom environment.
This is used strategically to support pupils to access their classrooms and to provide specific support identified in collaboration with the senior leadership team.
We also recognise that some children may need additional therapeutic support and we are very lucky to be able to refer them for Art Therapy delivered by our in-house Therapist.
Here, children have a safe therapeutic space where they can explore their emotions and develop their self-expression. The Therapist also offers drop-in sessions for children who may need some ad-hoc intervention and less formal therapeutic support.
Having an in-house Art Therapist available for our pupils allows us to offer more specialised, therapeutic support in a timely way.
Through regular contact with parents and carers, we involve families in the details of their children’s education and school day.
We extend our help outside the classroom, recognising that there must be a continuity of care both at home and at school as this is vital for child development. We understand that children do much better when their home life is stable.
To help us support families, we have two Family Intervention Workers who provide advice, practical help and liaise with any external agencies who may be involved. We try to promote to families that at Phoenix Academy there are people in whom you can trust and confide in, and who will support in getting children the right help at the right time.