READING – Subject Guide 2022-2023
Parent/Carer Letter – September 2022 – Reading At Home
Reading for Pleasure
This is at the heart of our reading policy. Throughout the year, events are planned to promote reading for pleasure in the school community. These events include
activities linked to World Book Day, Roald Dahl Day and a portable school library. We have had author and illustrator visits alongside bringing books to life with
theatre performances.
At Phoenix, we have been working hard to build a culture of reading for pleasure, subscribing to ‘First News’ newspapers linking to British Values and global
affairs, ‘The Phoenix’ a magazine with comic strips, short stories and puzzles and the scientific ‘Aquila’ magazine which has supported the encouragement of some
of our more reluctant readers.
Reading within the curriculum
Where possible, we link our class texts with the holistic school topic, opening doors to support our children with creativity and imagination. We use the ‘Bug Club’
reading books, pitched at the reading age of our pupils (following Salford reading tests and RWI assessments) When our children become ‘free readers’, we
encourage freedom of choice alongside our top reading level which has a wide range of reading materials to support varying genres and continue to encourage
regular reading. Our children are encouraged to read three times a week with members of staff or each other.
Home reading
We have had a drive on supporting home reading through our school positive behaviour points scheme on Class Dojo. We ask and encourage reading to be done
three times a week and celebrate home reading as part of our weekly whole school celebration assembly. To support home reading, we also have books allocated
to children on our blended learning platform, Purple Mash, allowing staff to pitch reading books and support reading comprehension with linked activities.
Throughout KS1, and for those who still require support in KS2, children follow the Ruth Miskin Phonics program (RWI). This is in addition to daily literacy lessons and reinforcement activities to support individuals.
This program teaches synthetic phonics (a teaching technique that focuses on the link between letters and sounds) and enables our pupils to become fluent readers. The children learn quickly to recognise common phonemes and to blend these to read words correctly.
Please look at the video below for more details:
All of the children also have access to a wide range of reading books and online access to ‘Purple Mash’ (Purple Mash Login). All pupils will be encouraged to read at home, and we ask parents/carers to support us with this.
Each classroom has a reading corner and pupils have further access to a wide selection and variety of books. The pupils are able to take these books home to support their learning and enjoyment of reading.
While your child is in Year 1, they will complete the Phonics screening check. For further information please click here.
If you require any further information regarding reading or how you can help your child, then please contact the class teacher.