Thank you for visiting our website.
We hope that you will enjoy your visit and get a more detailed understanding of the teaching and learning in our happy school.
Here at Phoenix Academy, we are extremely ambitious for our pupils and although our pupils have a range of different needs, we strive to eradicate barriers to educational success for all.
We are pupil centred, and this means that we recognise that achievement has many forms and the imparting of skills that will have life-long benefits is key to our teaching philosophy. Our teachers are committed to delivering excellent learning experiences for all pupils, with a key focus on their wellbeing through compassionate and ethical engagement. We will help them to be the very best they can be.
Once our pupils move onto secondary school, we are proud that they will leave with high self esteem that enables them to meet the challenges ahead with determination and confidence.
This website will provide you with an insight into our everyday life and the additional activities that we provide alongside our special events.
If you would like to find out more, please contact the academy.
Miss E. Phillips